Grandmothers’ & OVC Support

The Grand Mothers and OVC Project

The Project goal is to contribute to improved quality of life among grandmothers and their OVC in the greater Masaka region by 2027

Quite often grand mothers are with no support at all after losing their children. This solitude state makes them vulnerable to hunger, disease, manipulation and societal injustices like land grabbing and violence. Some of these grand mothers are left with orphans to take care of yet with no support.

The Grand mothers and OVC project seeks to improve capacity of grandmothers in Greater Masaka area to meet their households’ socioeconomic needs.


The project also looks at increasing access to education support services to OVCs in the Greater Masaka region

Our dedicated project team has seen granny groups;

       Empowered with the solidarity groups’ concept, record keeping, savings and credit skills.

       Supported and guided to develop by-laws and group registration. These have been inducted in IGA management, and animal multiplication centers to be established.

       Provided technical support supervision to solidarity groups on their savings, loan disbursements and recovery. These are ultimately prepared for phase out.

Treated through Medical camps in partnership with Kitovu Mobile Medical Centre and other community medical centres managing Conditions such as; hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, ulcers respiratory tract infections, UTIs hernia, allergies among others.


The project has provided education support to a total of 142 OVC (72 M, 70F), (55 Primary, 85 Secondary, 2 Tertiary) during the year 2023. All the 142 have benefited from a contribution towards their school fees payment, scholastic materials like books, pens, reams of papers and other available school requirements.

These have also been visited and followed up at their respective schools focusing on OVC academic performance, retention, discipline; daily class attendance and child protection


       Through project counsellor, the project conducted 141 family visits providing psychosocial counselling both at individual and group level, resolving family conflicts, re-uniting families.


       It’s through such visits that we realized the poor conditions in which households are living and the unequal resource allocation that has resulted into family conflicts separations